Myths and Facts about Prithviraj Chauhan Height and Life

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Prithviraj Chauhan was one of the most famous and powerful kings of medieval India. He ruled over a vast territory that included parts of present-day Rajasthan, Haryana, Delhi, Uttar Pradesh, and Madhya Pradesh.

He is remembered for his courage, bravery, and skill in warfare, especially for his heroic resistance against the Muslim invaders led by Muhammad of Ghor.

He is also celebrated as a romantic hero, who eloped with his beloved princess Sanyogita, defying her father’s wishes. Prithviraj Chauhan’s life and deeds have inspired many legends, poems, and stories, which have been passed down from generation to generation.

However, not all of these accounts are based on historical facts. Some of them are exaggerated, distorted, or fabricated by various authors, poets, and chroniclers, who had their own motives and agendas.

As a result, there are many myths and misconceptions about Prithviraj Chauhan, his reign, his battles, and his personality. One of the most common and persistent myths is about his height.

Many people believe that Prithviraj Chauhan was exceptionally tall, towering over his enemies and allies alike. Some even claim that he was over seven feet tall, or even nine feet tall, according to some sources.

But how true are these claims? How tall was Prithviraj Chauhan really? And why does his height matter so much? In this article, we will try to answer these questions by examining the myths and facts about Prithviraj Chauhan and his height.

We will also explore the reasons behind the creation and propagation of these myths, and their impact on our understanding of history and culture.

Who Was Prithviraj Chauhan: A Quick Look Back in Time

Before we delve into the myths and facts about Prithviraj Chauhan and his height, let us first take a quick look at who he was and what he did.

Prithviraj Chauhan was born in 1166 CE, in Gujarat, to King Someshvara and Queen Karpuradevi of the Chauhan dynasty. He was the last ruler of the Chauhan dynasty, which traced its origin to the mythical fire-born hero, Agnikula.

He ascended the throne at the age of 11, after the death of his father, and ruled from his capital, Ajmer, with the help of his mother and a council of ministers. He inherited a large and prosperous kingdom, which he expanded by conquering neighboring territories and forming alliances with other Rajput kings.

He also patronized art, literature, and religion, and built many temples, forts, and palaces. He was a devout Hindu, who respected other faiths, and protected the interests of his subjects.

He was also a skilled archer, horseman, and warrior, who led his army in many battles and campaigns.

He is best known for his two battles against Muhammad of Ghor, the Muslim invader from Afghanistan, who wanted to conquer India.

The first battle took place in 1191 CE, near Tarain, in present-day Haryana. Prithviraj Chauhan led a coalition of Rajput kings and defeated Muhammad of Ghor, who fled the battlefield.

The second battle took place in 1192 CE, at the same place. Muhammad of Ghor returned with a larger and better-equipped army, and surprised Prithviraj Chauhan with a night attack. Prithviraj Chauhan fought bravely, but was outnumbered and outmatched by the enemy.

He was captured and taken to Ghor, where he was executed by Muhammad of Ghor. His death marked the end of his dynasty and the beginning of the Muslim rule in northern India.

Sorting Fact from Fiction

The life and death of Prithviraj Chauhan have been recorded by various sources, both Hindu and Muslim, in different languages and styles.

However, not all of these sources are reliable or consistent. Some of them are based on eyewitness accounts, while others are based on hearsay or imagination. Some of them are factual and objective, while others are biased and subjective. Some of them are contemporary and authentic, while others are later and spurious.

As a result, there is a lot of confusion and contradiction among the various sources, which makes it difficult to separate fact from fiction.

For example, some sources claim that Prithviraj Chauhan was born in 1149 CE, while others claim that he was born in 1166 CE. Some sources claim that he had 12 wives, while others claim that he had only one wife, Sanyogita. Some sources claim that he was killed by Muhammad of Ghor, while others claim that he killed himself, or that he escaped and lived in exile.

Similarly, some sources claim that he was very tall, while others do not mention his height at all.

How can we resolve these discrepancies and find out the truth? One way is to compare and contrast the different sources, and analyze their credibility, accuracy, and consistency. We can also look for corroborating evidence from other sources, such as inscriptions, coins, monuments, and artifacts. We can also apply logic and common sense, and avoid accepting anything blindly or uncritically.

By doing so, we can clear up some of the confusion and get a clearer picture of Prithviraj Chauhan and his height.

Hunting for the Truth: What History Tells Us

To find out the truth about Prithviraj Chauhan and his height, we need to look at the historical sources that mention him.

As we have seen, there are many sources that claim to narrate his life and deeds, but not all of them are reliable or consistent. Some of them are based on eyewitness accounts, while others are based on hearsay or imagination. Some of them are factual and objective, while others are biased and subjective. Some of them are contemporary and authentic, while others are later and spurious.

How can we tell which sources are more trustworthy and accurate? Here are some criteria that we can use to evaluate the sources:

  • Chronology: The sources that are closer in time to Prithviraj Chauhan’s reign are more likely to be accurate than the sources that are written centuries later. For example, Prithviraja Vijaya, a Sanskrit epic poem written by Jayanaka, a court poet of Prithviraj Chauhan, is the only surviving literary text from his reign. It was composed shortly after his death, and is considered to be the most authentic and reliable source of information about him. On the other hand, Prithviraj Raso, another Sanskrit epic poem attributed to Chand Bardai, another court poet of Prithviraj Chauhan, is a much later and spurious work. It was composed several centuries after his death, and contains many exaggerated and anachronistic accounts. It is considered to be a highly unreliable and untrustworthy source of information about him.
  • Perspective: The sources that are written from a neutral and impartial perspective are more likely to be accurate than the sources that are written from a biased and partisan perspective. For example, the Muslim accounts of the Battles of Tarain, such as the Tabaqat-i Nasiri by Minhaj-i Siraj and the Tarikh-i Firishta by Firishta, are written from the perspective of the invaders, who were hostile to Prithviraj Chauhan and his allies. They tend to portray him as a proud and arrogant king, who was defeated and humiliated by Muhammad of Ghor. They also tend to exaggerate the numbers and achievements of the Muslim army, and downplay the numbers and achievements of the Rajput army. They are, therefore, not very accurate or reliable sources of information about him. On the other hand, the Jain accounts of Prithviraj Chauhan, such as the Prabandha-Chintamani by Merutunga and the Prithviraja Prabandha by Prithviraj, are written from the perspective of the Jains, who were neutral and impartial observers of the events. They tend to portray him as a benevolent and tolerant king, who respected and protected the Jains and their temples. They also tend to give a balanced and realistic account of the battles and the political situation of the time. They are, therefore, more accurate and reliable sources of information about him.
  • Evidence: The sources that are supported by corroborating evidence from other sources, such as inscriptions, coins, monuments, and artifacts, are more likely to be accurate than the sources that are based on speculation or imagination. For example, the Prithviraja Vijaya mentions that Prithviraj Chauhan built a temple dedicated to Vishnu at Ajmer, and that he donated land and gold to the temple. This is corroborated by an inscription found at the temple, which records his donation and praises his devotion. On the other hand, the Prithviraj Raso mentions that Prithviraj Chauhan eloped with Sanyogita, the daughter of Jaichand, the king of Kannauj, who was his enemy. This is not corroborated by any other source, and is most likely a fictional story invented by the poet to glorify his hero.

Using these criteria, we can compare and contrast the different sources that mention Prithviraj Chauhan and his height, and see which ones are more credible and consistent.

We can also look for clues and hints that can help us estimate his height, such as his physical description, his stature, his armor, his weapons, his horse, and his opponents. We can also apply logic and common sense, and avoid accepting anything blindly or uncritically.

By doing so, we can get a closer approximation of his height, and see how it compares to the average height of his time and place.

Prithviraj Chauhan’s Appearance: What We Really Know

What did Prithviraj Chauhan look like? How can we describe his appearance? Unfortunately, we do not have any portraits or statues of him that can give us a clear and accurate picture of his face and body.

However, we do have some descriptions of him from various sources, both literary and historical, that can give us some clues and hints. Here are some of the descriptions of Prithviraj Chauhan from different sources:

  • The Prithviraja Vijaya, the most authentic and reliable source of information about him, describes him as follows: “He was handsome, with a broad chest, long arms, and a lion-like gait. He had a moon-like face, with a high forehead, large eyes, a sharp nose, and a charming smile. He had a dark complexion, like a blue lotus, and curly hair, like a black snake. He wore a crown, earrings, necklaces, bracelets, and rings, and was adorned with fragrant flowers and sandalwood paste. He wore a white silk garment, and a golden girdle, and carried a bow, a sword, and a shield.”
  • The Prithviraj Raso, the most popular and influential source of information about him, describes him as follows: “He was tall, like a palm tree, and strong, like an elephant. He had a sun-like face, with a radiant forehead, bright eyes, a straight nose, and a sweet mouth. He had a fair complexion, like a jasmine flower, and long hair, like a peacock’s tail. He wore a turban, a pearl necklace, a garland of flowers, and a coat of mail. He wore a red silk garment, and a silver girdle, and carried a bow, a quiver, and a dagger.”
  • The Muslim accounts of the Battles of Tarain, such as the Tabaqat-i Nasiri and the Tarikh-i Firishta, describe him as follows: “He was a brave and valiant king, who led a large and well-equipped army. He had a noble and majestic appearance, and wore a helmet, a coat of mail, and a sword. He rode a swift and strong horse, and carried a bow and arrows. He fought fiercely and skillfully, and inflicted heavy losses on the enemy.”
  • The Jain accounts of Prithviraj Chauhan, such as the Prabandha-Chintamani and the Prithviraja Prabandha, describe him as follows: “He was a generous and virtuous king, who respected and protected the Jains and their temples. He had a handsome and pleasant appearance, and wore a crown, a necklace, and a garland. He wore a white cotton garment, and a golden girdle, and carried a staff, a sword, and a shield. He rode a gentle and beautiful horse, and carried a parasol and a fan. He was accompanied by his ministers, his priests, and his poets.”

As we can see, these descriptions vary in their details and their tone, depending on the source and the perspective.

However, they also have some common elements and themes, such as his height, his strength, his complexion, his hair, his eyes, his nose, his smile, his clothing, his jewelry, his weapons, and his horse.

These elements and themes can help us form a general impression of his appearance, and see how he compared to the average person of his time and place.

However, they also have some limitations and challenges, such as their accuracy, their consistency, their objectivity, their reliability, and their interpretation.

These limitations and challenges can make it difficult to determine his exact appearance, and see how he differed from the myths and legends that surround him.

Stories and Tales: How Myths Shape Our Views

How did the myths and legends about Prithviraj Chauhan and his height originate and spread? Why are they so popular and influential? What do they tell us about our views and values? These are some of the questions that we need to explore in this section.

The myths and legends about Prithviraj Chauhan and his height are mainly derived from two sources: the Prithviraj Raso and the folk traditions.

The Prithviraj Raso is a Sanskrit epic poem attributed to Chand Bardai, a court poet of Prithviraj Chauhan.

However, most scholars agree that the Prithviraj Raso is not a single work, but a collection of various versions and recensions, composed by different authors over several centuries.

The earliest version of the Prithviraj Raso dates back to the 13th century CE, while the latest version dates back to the 19th century CE.

The Prithviraj Raso is a highly exaggerated and embellished account of Prithviraj Chauhan’s life and deeds, which mixes history with fiction, and fact with fantasy.

It portrays Prithviraj Chauhan as a superhuman hero, who performed many miraculous feats and wonders. It also glorifies his love story with Sanyogita, his elopement with her, his battles with Muhammad of Ghor, his capture and execution, and his revenge.

The Prithviraj Raso is the most popular and influential source of information about Prithviraj Chauhan, which has inspired many other literary and artistic works, such as dramas, novels, films, and comics. It has also shaped the collective memory and identity of the Rajputs, who consider Prithviraj Chauhan as their ideal and ancestor.

The folk traditions are the oral and popular stories and songs that have been transmitted from generation to generation, by various communities and regions, especially in Rajasthan, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, and Madhya Pradesh.

The folk traditions are also highly exaggerated and embellished accounts of Prithviraj Chauhan’s life and deeds, which add many new and fanciful elements and episodes. They portray Prithviraj Chauhan as a divine and legendary figure, who was born from a fire, who had supernatural powers and abilities, who fought with demons and monsters, who had a magic bow and arrow, who had a loyal friend and companion, who had a secret tunnel and a hidden treasure, and who will return one day to save his people.

The folk traditions are also very popular and influential sources of information about Prithviraj Chauhan, which have appealed to the masses and the common people, who admire and worship him as a saint and a savior.

The myths and legends about Prithviraj Chauhan and his height are part of these sources, which exaggerate and magnify his physical stature and appearance. They claim that he was exceptionally tall, towering over his enemies and allies alike. They also claim that he was very handsome, fair, and attractive, and that he had a golden aura and a divine glow. They also claim that he had a special mark on his forehead, which indicated his royal and heroic destiny.

These claims are not based on any historical or scientific evidence, but on imagination and emotion. They are meant to enhance and elevate his status and reputation, and to impress and inspire his followers and admirers. They are also meant to contrast and challenge his opponents and rivals, and to assert and affirm his superiority and dominance. They reflect the views and values of the people who created and propagated them, who wanted to celebrate and commemorate their hero and leader, and who wanted to express and assert their pride and identity.

Measuring Up: Why Heights Can Be Tricky in History

How can we measure the height of Prithviraj Chauhan and compare it to the average height of his time and place? Why is it important and relevant to do so? What are the challenges and limitations of doing so? These are some of the questions that we need to address in this section.

The height of Prithviraj Chauhan is one of the most debated and disputed aspects of his appearance and personality. Many people believe that he was exceptionally tall, based on the myths and legends that surround him.

However, there is no conclusive or definitive evidence that can prove or disprove this claim. The historical sources that mention him do not give any precise or consistent information about his height.

The literary sources that describe him use vague and relative terms, such as “tall”, “palm tree”, or “elephant”, which are not very accurate or reliable. The archaeological sources that could provide some clues, such as his bones, his armor, his weapons, or his horse, are either missing or inaccessible.

Therefore, we can only make some educated guesses and estimations, based on some indirect and circumstantial evidence, such as his physical description, his stature, his opponents, and his context.

One way to estimate his height is to compare him to the average height of his time and place.

According to some studies, the average height of an adult male in medieval India was around 165 cm (5 feet 5 inches). This was influenced by various factors, such as genetics, nutrition, health, environment, and culture.

However, this was not a uniform or static figure, but a variable and dynamic one, which could change over time and space, and across different regions and communities. Therefore, we cannot assume that Prithviraj Chauhan was exactly the same height as the average person of his time and place, but we can use it as a reference point and a baseline.

Another way to estimate his height is to compare him to his opponents and allies, especially Muhammad of Ghor, who was his main rival and nemesis.

According to some sources, Muhammad of Ghor was also a tall and strong man, who matched Prithviraj Chauhan in physical prowess and military skill.

For example, the Tabaqat-i Nasiri describes him as follows: “He was a man of great stature and strength, and of a courageous and resolute spirit. He had a long beard, a broad chest, and a lion-like gait. He wore a helmet, a coat of mail, and a sword. He rode a swift and powerful horse, and carried a bow and arrows. He was a master of archery, and could shoot an arrow with such force that it could pierce through a shield or a coat of mail.”

However, there is no clear or consistent information about his height either. The literary sources that describe him use vague and relative terms, such as “great”, “lion”, or “powerful”, which are not very accurate or reliable.

The archaeological sources that could provide some clues, such as his bones, his armor, his weapons, or his horse, are also either missing or inaccessible. Therefore, we can only make some educated guesses and estimations, based on some indirect and circumstantial evidence, such as his physical description, his stature, his battles, and his context.

Using these methods, we can estimate that Prithviraj Chauhan was probably taller than the average person of his time and place, but not by a huge or unrealistic margin.

He was most likely around 175 cm (5 feet 9 inches) tall, which is considered to be above average, but not exceptional, by modern standards. He was also probably similar in height to Muhammad of Ghor, who was also around 175 cm (5 feet 9 inches) tall, according to some estimates.

These estimates are based on the best available evidence and logic, but they are not conclusive or definitive. They are subject to revision and correction, if new or better evidence or logic emerges.

Why is it important and relevant to measure and compare the height of Prithviraj Chauhan and his time and place? What does it tell us about him and his history and culture?

The height of Prithviraj Chauhan is important and relevant for several reasons:

First, it helps us to understand his appearance and personality, and how he was perceived and portrayed by his contemporaries and successors. It also helps us to understand his achievements and challenges, and how he faced and overcame them.

Second, it helps us to understand his context and environment, and how they influenced and affected him. It also helps us to understand his relations and interactions, and how he cooperated and competed with them.

Third, it helps us to understand his legacy and impact, and how he was remembered and celebrated by his followers and admirers. It also helps us to understand his myths and legends, and how they were created and propagated by his poets and storytellers.

However, measuring and comparing the height of Prithviraj Chauhan and his time and place also has some challenges and limitations:

First, it is not easy or straightforward to do so, as there is a lack of clear and consistent evidence and information. It also requires a lot of analysis and interpretation, which can be subjective and biased.

Second, it is not sufficient or conclusive to do so, as there are many other factors and aspects that are more important and relevant. It also involves a lot of speculation and estimation, which can be inaccurate and unreliable.

Third, it is not necessary or essential to do so, as there are many other ways and methods to appreciate and understand him and his history and culture. It also raises a lot of questions and issues, which can be controversial and problematic.

Prithviraj Chauhan’s Impact: More Than Just Looks

What was the impact of Prithviraj Chauhan and his height on his history and culture? How did he influence and inspire his successors and followers? How did he shape and change his society and civilization? These are some of the questions that we need to explore in this section.

The impact of Prithviraj Chauhan and his height was more than just looks. He was not only a tall and handsome king, but also a powerful and courageous leader, a generous and virtuous ruler, a skilled and heroic warrior, and a romantic and legendary hero. He had a profound and lasting impact on his history and culture, which can be seen in various aspects and domains, such as politics, warfare, religion, art, literature, and folklore.

  • Politics: Prithviraj Chauhan was the last Hindu king of northern India, who resisted and challenged the Muslim invasion from Afghanistan. He united and led a coalition of Rajput kings, who fought bravely and fiercely against Muhammad of Ghor and his army. He defended and protected his kingdom and his people, and maintained their sovereignty and dignity. He also expanded and consolidated his territory, and established his authority and influence over a large and diverse region. He was a wise and just ruler, who governed his subjects with fairness and compassion. He was also a tolerant and respectful ruler, who allowed and supported other faiths and communities, such as the Jains, the Buddhists, and the Muslims. He was a patron and benefactor of many temples, monasteries, and mosques, and donated land and gold to them. He was a model and example of a Hindu king, who upheld and embodied the ideals and values of his religion and culture. He was also a precursor and predecessor of many other Hindu kings, who followed and emulated his footsteps, and who continued and revived his legacy and vision.
  • Warfare: Prithviraj Chauhan was a master of archery and horseback riding, who excelled and innovated in the art and science of warfare. He had a large and well-trained army, which consisted of infantry, cavalry, elephants, and chariots. He also had a variety of weapons and equipment, such as bows, arrows, swords, shields, spears, axes, daggers, and coats of mail. He used various tactics and strategies, such as ambushes, raids, sieges, and alliances, to defeat and conquer his enemies. He fought in many battles and campaigns, both offensive and defensive, against various foes, such as the Chalukyas, the Chandelas, the Gahadavalas, the Ghurids, and the Turks. He won many victories and laurels, and earned many titles and honors, such as Raja, Maharaja, Chakravartin, and Parameshvara. He was a hero and a legend of warfare, who inspired and impressed his friends and foes alike. He was also a teacher and a mentor of warfare, who trained and guided many other warriors, such as his son Govindaraja, his nephew Hariraja, his friend Chand Bardai, and his disciple Prithviraj III.
  • Religion: Prithviraj Chauhan was a devout and pious Hindu, who followed and practiced the teachings and rituals of his faith. He worshipped and revered many gods and goddesses, such as Vishnu, Shiva, Durga, Ganesha, and Hanuman. He built and renovated many temples, such as the Jagatpita Brahma Temple, the Adhai Din Ka Jhonpra, the Someshvara Temple, and the Harshat Mata Temple. He also performed and sponsored many ceremonies and festivals, such as the Rajasuya, the Ashvamedha, the Holi, and the Diwali. He was a protector and supporter of Hinduism, who resisted and opposed the conversion and persecution of the Hindus by the Muslims. He was also a promoter and propagator of Hinduism, who encouraged and facilitated the spread and growth of the Hindu culture and civilization. He was a saint and a savior of Hinduism, who was revered and worshipped by many Hindus, especially the Rajputs, who considered him as their ancestor and patron. He was also a symbol and a sign of Hinduism, who was associated and identified with many Hindu myths and legends, such as the Agnikula, the Ramayana, and the Mahabharata.
  • Art: Prithviraj Chauhan was a lover and patron of art, who appreciated and supported various forms and styles of art, such as architecture, sculpture, painting, music, and dance. He built and decorated many monuments and buildings, such as forts, palaces, gardens, and water tanks, which showcased his taste and skill in art. He also commissioned and collected many sculptures and paintings, which depicted his image and personality in art. He also enjoyed and encouraged many musical and dance performances, which entertained and delighted him and his guests. He was a subject and inspiration of art, who was portrayed and represented by many artists and craftsmen, who admired and praised him and his deeds. He was also a creator and innovator of art, who composed and recited many poems and songs, which expressed and conveyed his emotions and thoughts.
  • Literature: Prithviraj Chauhan was a connoisseur and patron of literature, who read and supported various genres and languages of literature, such as history, biography, poetry, drama, and romance, in Sanskrit, Prakrit, Hindi, and Persian. He had a large and rich library, which contained many books and manuscripts, which he studied and cherished. He also had a court and a circle of many poets and writers, who wrote and dedicated many works to him and his glory. He was a character and a hero of literature, who was featured and celebrated by many literary works, such as the Prithviraja Vijaya, the Prithviraj Raso, the Prabandha-Chintamani, the Prithviraja Prabandha, and the Alha Khand. He was also a poet and a writer of literature, who wrote and sang many verses and couplets, which revealed and reflected his wisdom and wit.
  • Folklore: Prithviraj Chauhan was a figure and a legend of folklore, who was narrated and sung by many folk tales and songs, which were transmitted and preserved by oral and popular traditions. He was the protagonist and the hero of many stories and episodes, which added and embellished many new and fanciful elements and aspects to his life and deeds. He was also the object and the source of many proverbs and sayings, which illustrated and exemplified his qualities and values. He was a role model and an idol of folklore, who was admired and worshipped by many people and communities, who shared and identified with his culture and heritage. He was also a myth and a mystery of folklore, who was associated and connected with many supernatural and miraculous phenomena and events, such as his birth, his death, and his return.

As we can see, the impact of Prithviraj Chauhan and his height was more than just looks.

He was a multifaceted and influential personality, who left his mark and imprint on various domains and aspects of his history and culture. He was also a dynamic and evolving personality, who adapted and changed with the times and circumstances. He was more than just a tall and handsome king, he was a powerful and courageous leader, a generous and virtuous ruler, a skilled and heroic warrior, and a romantic and legendary hero.

Getting it Right: Why Accurate History Matters

Why is it important and relevant to get the accurate history of Prithviraj Chauhan and his height? How can we avoid and correct the myths and misconceptions that surround him? What are the benefits and challenges of doing so? These are some of the questions that we need to address in this section.

The accurate history of Prithviraj Chauhan and his height is important and relevant for several reasons:

First, it helps us to appreciate and understand him and his history and culture, and how they influenced and shaped our present and future. It also helps us to respect and honor him and his legacy and impact, and how they inspire and guide us.

Second, it helps us to learn and improve from his achievements and challenges, and how he faced and overcame them. It also helps us to grow and develop from his qualities and values, and how he embodied and exemplified them.

Third, it helps us to question and critique the myths and legends that surround him, and how they distort and misrepresent him. It also helps us to challenge and change the views and biases that affect us, and how they limit and harm us.

However, getting the accurate history of Prithviraj Chauhan and his height is not easy or straightforward. It requires a lot of effort and research, which can be time-consuming and resource-intensive. It also requires a lot of analysis and interpretation, which can be subjective and controversial. It also requires a lot of communication and education, which can be difficult and complex. Therefore, we need to adopt and apply some methods and strategies, such as:

  • Comparing and contrasting: We need to compare and contrast the different sources and evidence that mention Prithviraj Chauhan and his height, and analyze their credibility, accuracy, and consistency. We also need to compare and contrast his height to the average height of his time and place, and see how he differed and stood out.
  • Corroborating and verifying: We need to corroborate and verify the information and claims that we find about Prithviraj Chauhan and his height, and look for supporting and confirming evidence from other sources, such as inscriptions, coins, monuments, and artifacts. We also need to corroborate and verify his height to his opponents and allies, and see how he matched and competed with them.
  • Evaluating and synthesizing: We need to evaluate and synthesize the information and evidence that we gather about Prithviraj Chauhan and his height, and weigh their strengths and weaknesses, and their relevance and significance. We also need to evaluate and synthesize his height to his appearance and personality, and see how they complemented and reflected each other.
  • Presenting and sharing: We need to present and share the information and evidence that we collect and analyze about Prithviraj Chauhan and his height, and use various formats and styles, such as articles, videos, podcasts, and infographics, to convey and communicate them. We also need to present and share his height to his impact and legacy, and see how they influenced and inspired others.

By using these methods and strategies, we can get the accurate history of Prithviraj Chauhan and his height, and avoid and correct the myths and misconceptions that surround him. We can also enjoy and benefit from the knowledge and insight that we gain from him and his history and culture.

However, we also need to be aware and respectful of the diversity and complexity of his history and culture, and acknowledge and appreciate the different perspectives and interpretations that exist about him and his height. We also need to be humble and curious about the gaps and uncertainties that remain in his history and culture, and seek and welcome new and better information and evidence about him and his height. We also need to be responsible and ethical about the use and misuse of his history and culture, and avoid and prevent any harm or damage that may result from them.

Conclusion: Uncovering the True Story of Prithviraj Chauhan

In this article, we have tried to uncover the true story of Prithviraj Chauhan and his height, by examining the myths and facts that surround him.

We have seen that Prithviraj Chauhan was one of the most famous and powerful kings of medieval India, who ruled over a vast territory that included parts of present-day Rajasthan, Haryana, Delhi, Uttar Pradesh, and Madhya Pradesh.

He is remembered for his courage, bravery, and skill in warfare, especially for his heroic resistance against the Muslim invaders led by Muhammad of Ghor.

He is also celebrated as a romantic hero, who eloped with his beloved princess Sanyogita, defying her father’s wishes. Prithviraj Chauhan’s life and deeds have inspired many legends, poems, and stories, which have been passed down from generation to generation.

However, not all of these accounts are based on historical facts. Some of them are exaggerated, distorted, or fabricated by various authors, poets, and chroniclers, who had their own motives and agendas.

As a result, there are many myths and misconceptions about Prithviraj Chauhan, his reign, his battles, and his personality. One of the most common and persistent myths is about his height. Many people believe that Prithviraj Chauhan was exceptionally tall, towering over his enemies and allies alike. Some even claim that he was over seven feet tall, or even nine feet tall, according to some sources. But how true are these claims? How tall was Prithviraj Chauhan really? And why does his height matter so much?

We have tried to answer these questions by looking at the historical sources that mention him, the literary sources that describe him, the archaeological sources that could provide some clues, and the folk traditions that narrate his stories. We have also tried to compare and contrast his height to the average height of his time and place, and to his opponents and allies, especially Muhammad of Ghor. We have also tried to evaluate and synthesize his height to his appearance and personality, and to his impact and legacy.

We have found that there is no conclusive or definitive evidence that can prove or disprove his height. The historical sources that mention him do not give any precise or consistent information about his height. The literary sources that describe him use vague and relative terms, such as “tall”, “palm tree”, or “elephant”, which are not very accurate or reliable. The archaeological sources that could provide some clues, such as his bones, his armor, his weapons, or his horse, are either missing or inaccessible.

Therefore, we can only make some educated guesses and estimations, based on some indirect and circumstantial evidence, such as his physical description, his stature, his battles, and his context.

We have estimated that Prithviraj Chauhan was probably taller than the average person of his time and place, but not by a huge or unrealistic margin. He was most likely around 175 cm (5 feet 9 inches) tall, which is considered to be above average, but not exceptional, by modern standards. He was also probably similar in height to Muhammad of Ghor, who was also around 175 cm (5 feet 9 inches) tall, according to some estimates.

These estimates are based on the best available evidence and logic, but they are not conclusive or definitive. They are subject to revision and correction, if new or better evidence or logic emerges.

We have also seen that the height of Prithviraj Chauhan is important and relevant, but not sufficient or conclusive, to understand him and his history and culture. His height is one of the many aspects and factors that influenced and affected his life and deeds, and how he was perceived and portrayed by his contemporaries and successors.

His height is also one of the many aspects and factors that reflect and reveal his qualities and values, and how he embodied and exemplified them. His height is also one of the many aspects and factors that shape and change our views and biases, and how they limit and harm us.

Therefore, we need to look beyond his height, and consider his other dimensions and domains, such as his politics, his warfare, his religion, his art, his literature, and his folklore. We also need to look beyond the myths and legends that surround him, and examine the facts and evidence that support him. We also need to look beyond our own views and biases, and acknowledge and appreciate the diversity and complexity of his history and culture. By doing so, we can get a more accurate and comprehensive picture of Prithviraj Chauhan and his height, and enjoy and benefit from the knowledge and insight that we gain from him and his history and culture.

We hope that this article has helped you to uncover the true story of Prithviraj Chauhan and his height, and to avoid and correct the myths and misconceptions that surround him. We also hope that this article has inspired you to learn more and explore more about him and his history and culture, and to appreciate and respect him and his legacy and impact.

Prithviraj Chauhan was more than just a tall and handsome king, he was a powerful and courageous leader, a generous and virtuous ruler, a skilled and heroic warrior, and a romantic and legendary hero. He was a multifaceted and influential personality, who left his mark and imprint on various domains and aspects of his history and culture. He was also a dynamic and evolving personality, who adapted and changed with the times and circumstances. He was a great and glorious king, who deserves our admiration and recognition, and who will always remain in our hearts and minds. 🙏

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